Thursday, April 4, 2024

ravish the soul of a sage

 Jai Sri Ram,

Not a thousand Sesas could tell all the happiness and prosperity of the people of Ayodhya, where Sri Rama reigned as King, 

Sages like Narada, Sanaka and others came to Ayodhya everyday to have a sight of the Lord of Kosala, and forget all their indifference to the world the moment they saw the City, with its attics built of Golf and jewels and having its battlements painted in different colors, Nine planets had mustered a large army and besieged Amaravati to safeguard it, Every house was lit up with jewels that served as lamp, 

the mensions were illuminated by jewels that served as so many lamps and had shinning made coral,, pillars of jewels and walls of gold inlaid with emeralds which were lovely beyond words, courtyard in worked with crustal and every gate thereof was provided with doors of gold embossed with diamond,

Every house equipped with a hall adorned with lovely fresco which had Sri Rama's exploits reproduced in such beautiful colors that they would ravish the soul of  a sage who looked at them,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please