Saturday, February 22, 2025

Can embodied soul vie with God,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sage Said to Himalaya, O Himavan, whatever has been decreed by fate no one can change itno one can undo it, not even gods, human, Nagas or sages, 

Nevertheless I tell you one remedy, this may avail if heaven helps youUma will undoubtedly get such husband as I have described you, but whatever demerits I have shown in her bridegroom exist in Shiva,  if her marriage takes place with Shiva, everyone will call the demerits as good as virtues, 

Even though Sri Hari uses the serpent god as his coach and sleeps thereon, wise not blame, even so the sun and the fire absorbs moisture in all forms, but no one calls them name, again water of every description, pure as well impure, flows into the Ganga yet, no calls the celestial stream impure

Even the Sun, fire and Ganga incur no blame, if in pride of wisdom foolish men emulate the great, they are cast into the hell of Kalpa, Can embodied soul vie with God, 

Jai Siya Ram