Friday, February 14, 2025

Sati is Too Chaste to be Abandoned

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sati has assumed the disguise of Sita, This Made Shiva Much DisconsolateIf I continue to love Sati as heretofore, the cult of devotion will disappear and wit will be indecorous on my part to do, Sati is Too Chaste to be Abandoned, and it is a great sin to love her any more as a wife,

The Great Lord Shiva uttered not a word aloud, although there was great agony in his heart,He bowed at his Lord, invoked Ramaidea came to his mind that he should have no connection with Sati so long she continued in that body and proceeded towards Kailasa fixed his mind on Rama,

Heavenly voice thundered forthGLORY TO GREAT SHIVA, who has so staunchly upheld the cause of devotion, WHO ELSE THAN YOU CAN TAKE SUCH A VOW, You are great devotee of Rama, 

Sati addressed Shiva in faltering voiceTELL ME, O MERCIFUL LORD, WHAT VOW YOU HAVE TAKENyou are embodiment of truth and compassion to pooreven though Sati enquired in ways more than one, Shiva spoke not a wordSATI CONCLUDED THAT SHIVA HAD COME TO KNOW EVERYTHING AND FELT SORRY THAT SHE HAD TRIED TO DECEIVE SHAMBHU

Jai Siya Ram