Jai Sri Ram,
Gearing this, Bhavani said, O great sages, you have spoken aright, according to your belief it is now that Shiva has burnt love god and till now he was smitten with love,
To my mind Shiva is eternally in rapport with the infinite, unbegotten, irreprochable, passionless and without enjoyment, knowing him as such if I have served him, the gracious lord will accomplish my vow,
Your version that Hara has burnet the love god betrays woeful lack of thought in you, fire possesses this inherent property that frost can never approach it,
In case it does it must inveriable perish, similar is the case with love god and the great Lord Shiva, hearing the words of Bhavani and perceiving her devotion and faith, the sages were gladened at heart, bowing their head to her, they went to Himachal,
Jai Siya Ram