Monday, March 26, 2007


its birthday of lord rama is being celebrated in india,a great festival of hindus in the world.our faith,a legend of ideal human ,a legend of ideal king on the planet,a legend of the devine & spititual chapter in life of the planet.

its nineth day of hindi chaitra month,which vary every year as belongs to the lunar month which got short by 2 days by solar month hence every year this day differ as per solar month.

this is the most auspicious day on the planet, as on this day- my faith paves the way of hope for masses to be on the planet from that day uptill to a time, till the sky remains there in the sky.its the way on for a spritual light from havonly matter to the planet for a cause for a commen man to uplift his moral,uplift his pace of life & uplift the value of life in all respect.

lord rama not just a king to rule the world over,he ruled the hearts of the peoples ,he not only win the states of planet but win the hearts of the masses.he feels the pain of life on the planet-he paves the way for easy peace & success on the chapter of life.he paves way on with very easy modes to have the glory in life here as well here after.

lord rama as a king feels the pain of peoples in life,he feel the the agony of peoples at heart-he tries to establish the norms for living a life-life of passion for peace-life of passion for charector-life of passion for harmony-life of passion for understanding wizard with the mode of selfless service to the man kind & the nature in all respect.

lot more on the chapter of life & nature makes it glorius as to shine for the times to come as the glory of lord rama.

please thank you very much

mahesh sharma