Sunday, March 25, 2007


Glory of lord Rama reflects on to the life of human that the human life is not just a mean to have sensual feelings & the allied manifesto.Its some thing unique to have so,to have the feeling of being soul on the board in the chapter of truthness of life, have the feeling of illusion on the board of life, have the feeling for existence of god in the life, also to have the passion for life in right manner & right mode to celebrate it but the cause for the same should be define & fair in all respect.

soul is immortal & it should be known to the life as human as prime factor to have so.this immortal soul has so many rounds of so many life's than to reach at a point to have a human quotes well & true in itself as like as that of shining sun minimum after the cycle of 8400000 spices of life it attains a human body.human life.human profile on the chapter of life,so be careful to have so on the chapter of acts in life to avoid that cycle of 8400000 spices of life again & again.because some of the spices are in total dark cell of cell,that is more a punishment than the life,that for those who don't bother to pain others for no reason,that's for those who hurt others for their self motto's & bare selfishness on the chapter of life.

so the identify the human values ,importance of human life before it is too late.

if one wants to have the real face of joy here & here after,better realise the value of human life & act accordingly least to maintain the pace of human spice for reincarnation to have a rebirth as human not in other spices of life which are not at the top edge with its vicinity beside very close to god.

its only & only human life, which is very close to the direct vibrations of god,very close to the main orbit of god, we have to just make an posstive effort to enter in to it with all grace & glory.

thank you very much

mahesh sharma