Sunday, April 15, 2007

acts of life

glory of lord Rama reflects on to the life of human as whole & even on to individual for all to act & behave on the chapter of life.human life is so precious in all respect, that you must be fair to it, all the way while carry on.

there are three kind of peoples on the board of life with respect to their say & their words to act & the authenticity of the takes as it of so from the core of nature with ab it similarity to speak so.

first [plant or trees]gives flower alone-is all alike roses,they glow-shine- inflict fragrant to life.that's all.[say to life only]

second [plant or trees]gives flower & fruits both,is those that of trees of mango's-who's gives comprehensive passion for life.[say to life & act too accordingly]

third yields fruits alone [their acts speaks a lot more never talk more on the acts] .

glory of lord Rama reiterate that let our acts to speak on the chapter of life-their silent mode will speak much loudly than any speech of life.

the sound of acts are well taken by the illusion as well by our beloved god.