Monday, April 9, 2007

respect for women

glory of lord Rama reflects lot more on the profile of life with respect to bare fact & their acceptance on the chapter of social sphere.due respect for all including women,children's,the elders,& those deprived in life on sphere of bare facts by the illusion is the essence of glory of lord Rama.

where women is well respected in society that society is bound to have better means & modes of development.women is taken as most auspicious factor in the human ideology on the chapter of prosperity & peace.society where women is deprived of her rights & moral values that society is bound to see harsh stroke from illusion.

society where children's are given all due care & love,that society is bound go ahead in all respect as children's are the future of this planet.child abuse cause undue disaster for all on the planet.similar is the case with elders in society,those respect them with all honour get a lot more respect from the society itself as well from the saints & seers,their onwards get the kind honour of ultimate beloved none other than the god.

please thank you.

mahesh sharma