Friday, May 4, 2007

take a side from the malefic

glory of lord Rama brief about those who are wicked on the chapter of life-they have their different profile to act in life,its must to identify them & take a side to protect your for no reason they bear enmity, behave inimically even with those who are kind to them.

their heart burns at the sight of others prosperity-enjoy the agony of others with a great celebration.always devoted sensuality, anger, arrogance and greed.their words are like that of nailed arrows cover with honey,malefic in nature to inflict havoc for others for no reason.

they neither listen to elders & parents ,nor feel oblige of their services to them in life,rather treat the way they wish, which pains the heart & soul deep.only one motto & one point programme for their life to have selfish nature on every subject of life.

tough to understand these peoples but of sure they too belongs to human life.human life is so precisions its immortal profile among all spices of life-must to take care all the way,so better to take a side from such peoples to match the pace of life.

god is great & believe in his creation to have faith on him & let the thing go the way it passes with cool mode.concentrate on the main motto of life to have the god at heart & in life for here & here after too.

please thank you very much

mahesh sharma