Wednesday, May 2, 2007

place for intimate interaction

glory of lord Rama reflects very clearly on the chapter of god & its version for life that love alone attracts the vibrations of god on to the soul in life.what ever acts counts on to the subject be the fate of life not the vibs of god.its submission with a purified heart on the subject of love with god at heart could be the ultimate story of love & passion to have god at heart.

heart is the most viable place for an intimate interaction so is taken for a ultimate achievement on the subject to have so in life at god is not a direct subject of materialistic world which leads the life, so an immortal place is needed to interact with god in life so is the heart,but it must consist of a welcome note for god,with carpet of dedication & fragrance of submission.

once in a life time to thanks him for being so kind us, as obliged us of this beautiful gift for a journey to the planet so called earth. let be on track to recall our god for an intimate interaction to shear our submission on the subject of passion for him as a love to have Divine love from him to complete the cycle of life.

thank you very much

mahesg sharma