Tuesday, July 31, 2007

name on the tongue

glory of lord Rama speaks on the true welfare of life & mode will be so easy & so simple all the way that instal the luminous gem in the shape of the divine name on the threshold of the tongue at the doorway of mouth,if wish have light both inside & outside as quoted by the great saints.

mystics are full of dispassion & wholly detaches from god creation keeps awake by muttering the name with their tongue,& enjoy the facility of absolute, which is incompatible, unspeakable unmixed with sorrow & devoid of name & form.

even those who seek the truth in life, aspire to know the mysterious way of providence are able to comprehend them by muttering the name.

let be a step on the track to have so with all ease.

may lord Rama bless all for the cause.

mahesh sharma