Tuesday, August 28, 2007

he lives in the heart of devotees

glory of lord Rama speaks on the version of god ,the supreme power who has created this beautiful world but lives in a special mode at a very special place there in.that is non other than the heart of human.

though the presence of god could be experienced every where with out any if & but, it needs a bit fairness at heart & presence of mind on to the factual status of realization on to life with fair acts their in.

the version of god speaks in clear tone if one can effort to listen_nay, i ever repose in the lotus heart of those who depend on me in thought, words and deeds and who worship me in a disinterested way.

though all belongs to him & he cares all with love at heart but for those who care for him & trust him as faith & submit self for him_he remains with in their hearts.

may god bless all on the chapter of life.

mahesh sharma