Saturday, September 1, 2007


glory of lord Rama reflects the light on to ignorance, ignorance is deep dark in the life & remains till the light of faith & devotion evacuate it from the verge of life to live on.

ignorance is a mode which pains so long in life & their after too. this not only inflict its feature on life concern but also attracts the life along with in pace. it attacks the respect of life so much.

ocean of compassion so called god in the form of faith helps a lot on the subject while life interact in along with devotional spirit. true preceptors helps in to enlighten the inner core to evacuate the deep dark their in.

once life over powered ignorance than its a great to be a life for any one in as in bright sun shine.truthness of heart makes an escape for this paining mode so called ignorance.

may god help life to reach at with true enlightenment in inner core.

mahesh sharma