Friday, September 7, 2007

its two way

glory of lord Rama speaks on the bare fact on to life about its mode for being on the board of life that creator of universe is absolute intelligence, every creation, what ever animate or inanimate is subject to illusion, illusion is subject to god.

whatever identifies itself with a particular phycho-physical organism, is subjected to illusion, while illusion itself the source of three basic features to carry on with life, is controlled by god.

life is dependent, while god is self-dependant, life is plural while god is singular & one only.

though the difference between the soul & the supreme soul is negligible but created by the illusion for the purpose of life on the version of god to have so.

difference created by the illusion is small but extremely effective cant be tern down with out the help of faith on to life.

faith on which life travels have its limitations too, that its two way, life can walk away with his part only rest its up to him to reach at.

but true efforts & positive mode could make it all well on the board of life.

let us hope or the best.

may god bless all for a life in true mean & fair mode.

mahesh sharma