Sunday, September 2, 2007

to attain him_its only love

glory of lord Rama is very specific about the subject where one can have the god. can we have the god in life itself or it is a matter of after the life.its only god knows on about after the life but here in life its more of sure that existence of god could be experienced with all ease.

its life on the beautiful planet so called earth meant for to have so_to have so the passion for life,the passion for lust or the passion for god.

here on in this life presence of god could be well experienced in many modes & means on the chapter of to interact with is non other love.those love him from the core of heart can feel him all the well.

ramahi kavel prem piara jaan lehi jo janan hara

he is very much here with us all the time all the way, its we to recognise him, its for us to reach at near by, Media is only love. he loves to be loved by his own on the board of life.

its submission for the cause on to life which brings him near & more close to life.

its dedication & devotion which attracts him with a pace to the life.

its true love with one motive to have him at heart though its difficult but attainable.

he loves to be loved by his own on the board of life.

may god bless all on the subject of attaining a status liked by him in life.

mahesh sharma