Saturday, February 9, 2008


Hare Rama___-

Glory of lord reflects on the subject of life for its ultimate motto to attain final beatitude with very simple mean that is none than to achieve awareness on to self which leads the life to ultimate glory. The constant awareness that “I am the same Brahma” represents the most dazzling flame of the lamb.

In this way when the bliss of self realization sheds its bight luster, the error of duality, the root of worldly existence, is dispersed and the infinite darkness of infatuation etc—which forms the family of nescience---disappears. Heaving thus procured a light, the mind referred to above sits in the chamber of heart to untie the ligature that bind the spirit with matter.

The soul can hope to attain its object only in the event of mind succeeding in untying it. When this light of wisdom enlightens the heart beatitude follows itself with all ease but when this light of wisdom extinguished the soul goes again through the manifold agonies of transmigration.

May god bless all on the subject of true life as human?

Thanks please.