Sunday, April 13, 2008


Ayodya a city known for glory of lord Rama as lord born here 10000yeras ago and ruled the heart of peoples with truth and wisdom of knowledge.

Lord rama decorate this city in those ancient time with his great penance to have all ease to carry on with life here and here after too.

To the north of city flowed the deep and stream of sarayu with nice charming ghatas and no trace of mud on the bank to that time.

All along the banks stood temples sacred t the gods and surrounded by lovely groves. Here and there on the bank dwelt sages and recluse unconcerned with the world and devoted to spiritual wisdom.

All along the bank stood in clusters of many lovely divine plants so called holy basil reared by hermits.

The very sight of the city with its grooves and gardens, wells and ponds, droves away all one’s sins and make one feels as if in a divine land.

May god bless all on the subject of true human life.

Thanks please.