Sunday, April 13, 2008

its life

Every creature, whether animate or inanimate, is subjected to illusion [a vital force responsible for pace on the planet among animate and inanimate]. Illusion have three basics to his fold dark, light and a more in between which associate illusion to carry on up with life.

This vital force is dependant wholly on god and life or soul as life dependant on illusion in whole. It is illusion which dictates terms to life on the planet.

God is supreme all the way and is self dependant alone all the way, the cause of life and illusion on the planet.

God is one all the way with out any second to it but life is as many as could be with the wish and will of illusion.

Illusion moulds the life with sorrows and joy their in, joys pass away fast where as sorrows trace the life for a long so it needs a true help to counter these miseries which make one to suffer a lot.

The creation of illusion which pains a lot can not disappear except by the grace of god.

Grace of god could easily be attain through the fair acts and realization in addition to devotional spirit.

Better be on right track to cut a sorry figure at a later date.

May god bless all to have the true meaning of life as human

Thanks please.