Monday, September 15, 2008

divine virtues

Those who have brought a strain on the face of humanity through their evil deeds and wicked dealings are bound to face the consequences in life and their after too. Those setting up a mean and depraved ideal before the world through their immortal acts, may for a while win false acclamation and esteem by overawing with their wealth and authority but in their ultimate mode have to answer themselves to a date.

An imposter may believe that he is very cleaver and can easily hoodwink the peoples but in contrary he deceives himself. He looses his real wealth of spirituality being a human and ultimately harms himself.

Those who track the life on divine virtues as_
Purity of mind
Spiritual wisdom
Control of senses
Study of ancient virtues books
Chanting divine names
Absence of anger
Non-violence in though words deeds
Self denial
Placidity of mind
Disinclination toward malicious gossips
Compassionate towards being
Ungrabbing nature
Bearing enmity to none and absence of self esteem could felt assured of being released from the bondage of illusion on its ultimate mode and real winner in life and here after too.

It is life one has to face fruits of one’s acts here itself either just now or a bit later, Evil designs brings miseries where as good acts earn true wisdom, a glorious life and even much better than that here after.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.