Saturday, September 20, 2008


The secret of real peace and true happiness is faith in lord and true confidence in self which leads one to real success in life. Happiness and real success do not much depend on external means, but on inner faith and will power to interact with self.

When faith housed in heart for the ultimate soul mate then one felt him self on track of peace, joy and success.

He guides one on the track of life to safe guard one against chance of fall.

There is no situation which can not be dealt with positive sprit but it needs faith in lord, faith in his grace, faith in his almighty power.

The entire success related to the future lies in one’s own hands; only one must suppose to have faith in unfailing grace of the supreme one, who is omni present and well wisher of all.

Those take refuge in supreme lord felt as saved on every sphere of life which itself is a great success. All hurdles of life and adverse circumstances escapes out from the track of success just with the name of lord with all faith. Those repose faith in his mercy, move head with his name and fairness of acts; success welcome them at every step of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.