Sunday, September 28, 2008

true preceptor

If true preceptor is found in life, life becomes a gem in itself. True preceptor is store home of devotion and liberation. The articles and modes remains indifferent and invisible through out the life only a true preceptor could make them visible with all ease and very close by.

One eye can not see the other through the difference between them is very less but once true preceptor or true Guru gives the mirror to see at, then one can visualize the other; soul and supreme is the theory of divine chapter which remains close by as eyes on the face. Both are near by close but needs a true guide who could make them see through or feel with.

The divine gem is with in every being on this universe but hardly seen by, if sat guru is achieved means lord will be attained so too.

Sat guru is the one who joins the broken links among soul and supreme; restore the self with purity for final beatitude in life.

Tortoise protects its eggs by keeping an eye on to them, the curlew bird by its inner though of mind yet the way one’s sat guru protects, none other can.

I make my Obeisance to the lotus feet of my sat guru {true preceptor}.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.