Thursday, October 2, 2008

true name

Those take the immutable true name; fulfill their life with its true meaning as per the version of true saints. True saints known as sat guru too are the one who could make one to reach at the ultimate glory of life as human. So long as the heart is set on lord or sat guru, life in this world is all well even in hard pace but living with out the name of lord is nothing but an invisible suffering.

Ocean of this mundane world is extremely indifferent and disastrous if going alone with out name of lord or sat guru {true preceptor}.

One dedicated to the immutable is established in the immutable, while one in pursuits of the transient is lost with the transient.

Priceless is the birth as human just to establish the link with ultimate soul mate.

The soul comes with a motto to get absorbed in god and regains the heritage of immortal treasures in its entirety, hard to get this unique birth again.

Precocious is the life as human, a single breath wasted is worth the value of 14 regions, better on right pace to a cut a sorry figure at a later date.

So long as breath dwells in the body, one can rush for the ultimate and immortal achievement of final beatitude with tangible support of true name.

This mundane world is nothing but a river of suffering and the name of sat guru is ocean of bliss those who has realize it are truly reached at the winning mode of life.

May lord bless all

Thanks please.