Friday, August 21, 2009

happiness and peace

God existed even when this world was not in existence. God exist even now. And existing of God will continue to be there all over in never ending process even after any eventuality if goes here on or else where.

There is no space, time or object in which god does not exist. On the other hand, time, space and matter themselves are comprised in god. Nothing ever has any existence apart from God. God is full everywhere; in fact, every thing exist in God and in broad spectrum god alone exist.

God is supreme spirit. Soul is spirit. Spirit is fraction of supreme. Spirit manifest from the supreme and merge therein is truth of self and supreme.

God has created this universe from his very self perception alone reason best known to him only.

Animate and inanimate creation comprised of spirit on the version of its delusive potency so called illusion.

Feature of illusion is indifferent on the subject of life where as lord is comprised of happiness and peace. Basic source of peace and bliss is lord alone. Peace and happiness essentially exist in God is real in true nature, the happiness and peace appear in the mode of illusion have indifferent pace.

One can not expect money from a pauper, money can be have from money lender or rich one, oil can extracted from seeds not from sand. Ignorance can not be the cause for happiness and peace which leads to bliss. A thing is found where it exists. Features of ignorance lead one to the net of miseries. But refuge in God brings happiness and peace at its true cord. Those repose faith in God are really wise on the subject of life. God is ultimate truth and triumph is the basic feature of truth. Those adore the truth; make it to reach at the god basic source of peace and bliss.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.