Sunday, August 16, 2009


Glory of lord speaks about the version of true life. Life that consists of varying colors few appears all along with the deeds but few remains hidden till last. Joy and sorrow are the part of life and almost every one is subjected to on the cord of time here or there. one can never consider another to be the cause of suffering in life as suffering is always results of one’s own deeds in past.

Ego is the killing factor in life as human. Human life is especially meant of self realization and realization unto God. The lord is hidden but his law is manifest. Every creature is reflection of God including nature and one needs to prove self while to interact with as human.

A remorseful sinner is dearer to god than mystic proud of his skill.

Austerity and penance may lead the subject but truth is the essence of being human. God has created human in his own image and always wish to see human as compassionate and generous. The generosity of man gives rise to renunciation in others; renunciation in man gives rise to generosity in others.

God is ocean of mercy and it needs to realize at its true cord that if god were not an ocean of mercy, then a liar would lose his fate the moment he told a lie, air would have withdraw from the erring man dropping him dead and this realization itself is a sort of penance and tracking a life full of truth is austerity. Austerity and penance at its true cord that make one to reach at the ultimate truth of self is a bare fact of life.

Forgiveness of the fault of others {but to a limit} and renunciation of one’s own claims are marks of the true man. To do evil in return to evil and good for good is a characteristic of a man in the orbit of mundane existence but those in the orbit of truth return good even for evil because ultimate result will definitely brings fruits of immortality for the those track truth.

Fear which follows the life right from day one till last can only be conquered by the truth alone. Human life is not meant for being slave of sense perception but it is to control the self at its true pitch.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.