Sunday, December 27, 2009

self surrender

Human life is great among all species on the planet though every living creature is created by the almighty lord but human is even special all the way and the very path for final beatitude. Even after being the best, still human life revolves round the dark of ignorance unless or until one adore the path of truth at its optimize pitch.

There is no other form of life is as good as the human; every living creature craves for it. It may lead one either way hell or heaven. If one track the life on the path of devotion, dispassion and realization at its true cord it proves like precious gem to attain peace and bliss and connect self with supreme.

Among human, saints and wicked go together on the cord of life but. Their acts represent their profile and influence the life. Beneficence in thought words and deeds makes the human profile success all the way to attain the final beatitude. Those undergo suffer for the good of others makes it to pave path for true self where as wicked inflict pain to other for even no gain suffer on the cord separation with deep pains their in. the elevation of wicked is nothing but calamity to the world where as step of saints enlighten the heart of peoples for peace and bliss for both worlds.

Non violence is the highest religious merit of human profile and there is no grievous sin in human life as that of speaking ill of others.

Human life is not for being slave of senses. It is to over the hurdles of delusion and paves the path for true self if one realizes so.

There are sacred vows and religious observances and practices, austere penance, spiritual wisdom, sacrifice and muttering of name, charity and myriads of others remedies too; but self surrender to divine grace is the best and foremost way to the life success at its ultimate mode for both worlds.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.