Tuesday, December 29, 2009

spiritual practice

The main object of all spiritual practice is make the soul free from the bondage of ignorance. Freedom means completeness in self that result in content which leads to peace and bliss. Spiritual vision is must to achieve the desired result on the subject. Yoga and meditation helps on the subject but devotion in true spirit and total submission is the essence of core subject.

Physical and mental strength play an important role on the subject.

Thinking way one and doing other misled the subject. Whole strength depends on the coordination of thoughts and the action. Adoring the Divine chapter but engaged in worldly affairs deep may mislead.

Concentration may helps a lot on the subject. Physical and mental concentration has its own merits where as mental concentration rules the subject at its true pace. Though mind is governed by some external agency unknown to one but still efforts can stream line the subject concern? True form of concentration needs dynamic attitude. Often mind may be harassed by the painful experiences of the past, disappointments and sad association but one need to make an escape from all such modes to make mind ready to submit for the true cause to liberate the soul.

One suffers because one comes in contact with so many things that are not in harmony with our real self. Truly wise remain engaged in true pace. Empty mind may cause troubles and one must need to fill it so completely with vital, vibrant and constructive thought and above all with divine love to achieve the motto of being human. Chanting the true name with right pitch solve the purpose a lot.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please