Thursday, August 5, 2010

realization of God

There are three evils most formidable of all-lust, anger and greed. In an instant they destruct the mind of hermits who are very repository of wisdom.

The weapons of greed are desire and hypocrisy, of lust not women; while anger’s weapon is harsh speech.

Inner controller of all is lord alone though free will is awarded to one and all within specific orbit. Lord demonstrated the miserable plight of earthly lovers and strengthens dispassion in the mind of wise.

Anger greed lust pride and delusion, all these get eliminated through the grace of God. Those take refuge in the lotus feet of lord make an easy escape from the deadliest modes of delusion.

As experienced by the great sages about the truthful state of life is as that of dream that remain dream distant from reality but the realization of God.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.