Saturday, August 7, 2010


The world is veritable whirlpool, where in creatures have been trapped by illusion through its delusive modes. Human alike other species of life is under sway of avarice and attachments, going through folds of birth and rebirth.

True preceptor is must to guide the life to attain the ultimate motto of being human. Sat-guru alone can ferry across one to the designated home hereafter.

Fear of death follows the life all along, who so ever taken refuge in truth or sat-guru has been redeemed from the fear of death.

Lord do not have any form or shape, yet ritualistic wanders about in search of and that search find its end in the lotus feet of true preceptor that makes one to meet him face to face on the cord of heart.

This mundane existence is not less than a vast ocean, indeed the human form is perfect boat to reach at that shore which is free from all kind of miseries and pain and soul experience ultimate bliss but through the grace of sat-guru.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please