Thursday, January 20, 2011


Spirit is fraction of supreme, by being fraction of supreme, one belongs to him alone in true and pristine relationship. Dependence on him is not slavery.

Relationship with the worldly objects are perishable but with the supreme spirit. Relationship with god is true alone that needs to realize and it is established relationship in all respect.

Self being the fraction of God is imperishable. Relationship of God with soul is true in all respect and imperishable in nature but one needs to realize it.

Worldly objects can be utilized to evaluate this pristine relationship but undue attachments to worldly objects create difference.

By getting established in self through meditation or others available means one can make it to reach at the truth of self realization that helps in to rejuvenate one on the path of pristine relationship.

Surrendering self in the lotus feet of lord is the easiest way to re-establish the pristine relationship with ultimate soul mate.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please