Wednesday, January 19, 2011


One needs to stand by the right and righteousness ever in life to prove self on the cord of truth. What is right and what is wrong on the cord of delusion is really hard to identify but still truth of self speaks all well on the subject.

Righteousness must be visualized in the light of truth and justice. Supporting righteousness must suppose to be the basic principle of true human life.

Righteousness may differ from objective of concern but it needs to be evaluated on the cord of justice.

Moral act always have inclination towards righteousness on varying cords of life. Adoration of truth in life is one of the best ways to support righteousness.

Inner tribunal helps in identifying the righteousness in life. Humanity means follow the path of righteousness. It gives peace and ultimate satisfaction in life.

Those tracks the path of righteousness in life attain the blessings of God for ultimate good in both worlds.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please