Monday, April 11, 2011

counted many times

Indeed those track truth on the cord of life are really great irrespective of their social or material gain, wealth of truth is counted many times in other world but the wealth of worldly affairs.

Pitiable is the Brahman who is ignorant of the ancient books, abundant of his own duty engrossed in undue pleasure of senses rather than putting self on the cord of realization.

Pitiable is the king who has no skill to rule the state in true spirit, who does not love his people as his life, who never take care of deprived people of his state, ever remain engaged in ego unto self.

Pitiable is the trader that robes clients in the name of business, pitiable is that artisan who is disrespectful towards his duty and loves to honored without reason for.

Pitiable is the women that deceive her husband on varying chapters of life, neither loyal nor truthful but adore quarrelsome nature to disrupt the pace of family.

Pitiable is that man who out of ignorance forsakes the path of duty and that recluse who is attached excessively to the world and lack dispassion.

But those realize the true self and perform deeds in life in accordance with,are really great as being human and bound the meet the fate of saintly soul on conclusion of chapter irrespective of their social and material achievements.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please