Wednesday, April 13, 2011

glimpse that cause unison

Soul is fraction of supreme one, not a subject of vision but can be realized. Disintegration is not the proper preposition to highlight the event that cause separation of soul from supreme but it is similar event as that of because ego disunited from supreme itself resulted as soul.

Indeed a body that called sub-subtle is abode of that ego that called spirit. On the mercy of God it attain subtle body, a must to attain body that known as carrier for journey of earth, the most beautiful planet and sacred place in universe where by spirit can re-attain the wisdom of being supreme by merging its identity in supreme through service and submission.

In the journey of life it is for one to decide whether to take it as pleasure trip to gratify the senses that may results in transmigration or take this journey as pilgrimage that may cause ultimate liberation from the tag of ego, soul bear on disassociation from supreme.

Search of soul is not the subject for life but search of true self is the subject for human, pilgrimage penance austerity and devotion all leads to true self provided truth is adore with. Fairness unto self, respect for the creature created by god and service that disinterested that leads one to true self so called soul.

Soul and supreme ever remains in close orbit but not align to but as the mirror of heart get cleared from the dust of ego both align to each other itself and have glimpse that cause unison.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please