Saturday, June 25, 2011

Death is inevitable

Death is an inevitable subject that covers all sooner or later, in life every thing is in the grip of uncertainty but the death.

Beings on board of life regard it with fear and repulsion purely on scarcity of knowledge about the subject.

Fear of separation once for all from the fellow beings and those close to heart, fear to lost the wealth, indeed fear to get separated from dear one is really painful and matter most but as regards to wealth if one possess the real wealth of spirituality that must moves along and guides one suitable in the unknown world here after.

Assets of truth in life and possession of divine love unfold the mystery of other world and facilitate one with associations that erase the agonies of losing the dear one in this world.

Indeed there is veil that divides the two worlds but not strong enough to withstand against the strokes of truth and divine pace.

Before the time run-out, O mind collects the Gems of spirituality-lord will be please to see them and award unison of eternal joy that is hard for worldly men.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please