Wednesday, June 22, 2011

faith on God

Those who keep faith in lord, lord help them beyond measure. True servants of lord ever keep their faith alive even on toughest track of life.

True servant of lord ever keep inner smile for lord even on toughest spell of life.

Privilege of true service is given by god alone to those truly keeps faith in lord, any one who looks at the world for his own happiness cannot be a true server.

Those trust the God, god helps them irrespective of fate one bear with, and it is power of God alone that changes the script of fate to favor.

True servants keep their faith in God alive till last moment and that proves on the cord of liberation.

Worldly men can cheat even on serving them truly but god ever and always indicates love and blessings even for diluted servants.

The best asset one can have as being human in life is faith on God.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please