Wednesday, December 14, 2011

extra cleverness proves fatal

One needs to be cleaver enough to save guard the true interest of self to sustain in life in right spirit but extra cleverness proves fatal for self.

In short run extra cleverness appears lucrative but at its ultimate mode it ruins the true self.

Extra cleverness means cheating some one with intellect blessed by god for the cause in true spirit. It is not only cheating the concern one but also cheating the god too but no one can afford to cheat the God.

If by any one through sick means cheats the god on varying subjects of life, god forsakes him on the very second moment irrespective of any if and but, but the one who cheats the devotees, pious soul or saintly soul burn in the wrath of supreme power even in regions here after too.

Beware of adopting malefic modes and cheating other for undue gains on the cord of lust and greed.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please