Sunday, December 11, 2011

Love alone

There are three stages in devotional service, first is cultivating stage through pious deeds and religious merits, second it is the stage of realization through mediation or means available with and third one is attainment of love of godhead.

When one attain the third stage of transcendental love of God, there occurs further developments known as transcendental affection, emotion, ecstasy and extreme and intense attachment.

When one attains transcendental stage, it becomes steady without fear of fall, pure devotees accepts only transcendental loving service of the lord and reject all king of liberation for his personal sense gratification.

Attachment to world is one thing but attaching self to god is other, loving sense pleasure is one thing quest for eternal joy is other, loving the fiance is one thing but transcendental love is really unique.

Love alone can make one to have soul mate or the supreme spirit but disinterested love.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please