Monday, January 23, 2012

Pain one bear in death

As per the quotes of ancient books, sages and saints of time and era, death is inevitable for one and all, indeed it is truth which no one can afford to deny.

Made up of these five elements, earth, water, fire, air and ether, body never last so long, nor can be trusted guaranteed, it is really vile like an unfaithful wife one loves most but it never respond respectively and re-merges among its five basics.

Disassociation is the subject of sorrow but if this disassociation is from vile one, it cannot be for a sorrow, if disassociation is for elevation it is never meant for sorrow.

Pain one bear in death is disassociation of fellow beings nothing else but those realize this bare fact and try to establish link with for fair association in other world on this disassociation never repent of death.

As per the quotes of saints, whosoever quits his body with name of Lord Rama, really attain association that gives peace and bliss.

May lord bless all

Thanks please