Tuesday, January 31, 2012

peace, bliss and unison

As per the quotes of true saints, almighty lord have created man in his own image and really wishes that man act as true guardian of life on the planet but.

Indeed human beings are the most highly evolved form of creation, and it is for self to realize this bare fact and struggle against the negative influence of Maya to elevate self on the cord of truth.

One cannot afford to mislead self with material achievements of life; it is achievements on the spiritual plane that matters to self at its most.

To overcome the dark here after it needs light of truth, and spirituality is the light that moves along with to assist one in regions new to spirit.

True home of soul is spiritual region on that shore of universe and that alone is the ultimate destiny of all beings unto journey, they who reach home with wealth of truth attain warm welcome for peace, bliss and unison.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please