Monday, February 6, 2012


The Narratives of Lord Rama are like a Celestial River which washes out the blemishes of heart and mind to purify one for the fair interactive stage of final beatitude.

The narratives of Lord Rama are a wish-yielding gem and a graceful adornment for saintly wisdom.

The host of virtues possessed by Lord Rama is a blessing to the world and bestower of liberation, riches, religious merits and the divine abode.

The narratives of lord is true teacher of wisdom, dispassion and yoga that awards contemplative union with God and celestial physician for fell disease of metempsychosis and seed of Holy vows.

This month Magh is really very favorable for narratives of Lord Rama, they who listen and sung the praise of lord in this pious month attain highest religious merit for wisdom of truth.

May Lord bless all.

Thanks please