Thursday, February 9, 2012

human life

Human life is meant to enjoy at its best but in true spirit. Human life is meant to carry on with motives that indicate truth in deeds. Human life is invaluable precious gem for spirit that may indicate wisdom.

Undue attachments is painful burden on human profile, when one indulge in excessive sensual pleasures-temporarily it may appear all well but it leads one to tranquilize self for being salve of senses.

As per the quotes of saints each of the creatures meets it end due to its weakness to a particular sense but for human impact of five really matters for spirit at its ultimate mode.

Objects of senses may create bondage if one indulges in undue attachment, as they are bound to draw vitality of body and mind which affects the spirit adversely to perceive truth.

One needs to be careful to handle the precious gem known in the name of human life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please