Sunday, May 27, 2012

mystic skill

Jai Sri Ram,
Sri Hanuman was in the very first row of the battalion of lord Rama against battle with Ravana, his mystic skill was unique to safe guard the army from all sphere,

Indeed Angad was his foremost companion on the front but Sri Hanuman was continued to put challenges for enemy with the pace of wind that in 39 forms was really tough for any one,

Defending the fellow beings was the first sight of Sri Hanuman before attack with mystic skill to defeat the race of demons,

The chariot of enemies were smashed by just a sight of Sri Hanuman was his figured mystic skill to teach lessons to enemy,

Might of Sri Hanuman was immeasurable at that time which he was using for the cause and the same is continue  even in the Kali age so as to safe guard the interest of pious one and saintly soul including devotees and followers.

May lord bless all,

Thanks please