Sunday, May 27, 2012

there is no other reward equal to it

Jai Sri Ram,
After killing the Ravana, Lord Rama directed Sri Hanuman to convey the happening to Sita in the Asoka grove,

Sri Hanuman delightfully wended his way to the presence of Sita, prostrated before her and conveyed the glad news

Mother, you are no more captive, Lord has killed the demon Ravana, now this place belongs to his devotee Vibhishan and an ally- so you are now in your own place, Laxman and all other devotees of lord are all well, and anxious to hear about your welfare.

Sri Hanuman said to mother, mother this victory is award to me and there is no other reward equal to it which has made my mother free from captivity of a demon king.

May lord bless all,

Thanks please