Saturday, April 27, 2013

sugreeva rejoiced to hear

श्री हनुमान चालीसा,
jai  Sri Ram,
On arrival on this side, all team members of sri hanuman delighted to see him and felt as if they had been birn anew,

Sri Hanuman wore a cheerful countenance and his shone with brilliance which left no doubt in their mind and felt as he had executed lord Rama's commision,

They then gladly proceeded to see the lord, asking and telling the latest events, on way entered in garden of sugreeva with pace and joy which reflects the success all the way,

Guards of the garden informed this to Sugreeva that crown prince laying waste the royal garden makes sugreeva rejoiced to hear; for concluded that the monkeys must have returned after accomplishing the lord's business,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please