Monday, May 13, 2013

Sri Parshuram Jayanti

श्री हनुमान चालीसा,
Jai sri Ram,
Today is very pious day, the appearance day of Sri Sri Parshuram ji-Sri Parshuram Jayanti,

Sri sri Parshuram was an incarnation of Lord Sri Hari vishnu who exterminated the wicked kshatriyas who were abusing the power and tyrannizing the populace,

This Jayanti is also known in the name of Akshaya tritiya, very auspicious chapter ti start new events especially a very favorable day for marriages,

Worship of Lord Parshuram ji is performed on this day with faith and submission, among essentials truthfulness and simplicity are the mains subjects, offering arghya water that mixed with sandal past, durva, flowers and rice grains from a conch is taken favorable for this day, or simple water with fresh milk too makes it complete,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks plaese