Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Jai Sri Ram,
Ravana in his overweening pride he took no heed of the omens following him all along yet,

Weapons fell down itself,
warriors slips down without cause
houses and elephants missing their rout again and again
Crow twist is common with move
Frightful jackals, vultures and donkeys gave shrill cry
Different voice of dogs and cats
appearance of owls in day light
Unrest at eternal planes nut ego at mind were repeatedly alarming Ravana of the dare consequences but

There Rama experiencing pace of senses that controlled one,
Flowers falling in path
sharp blue sky writing the favorable script for soul
smile of soldier along with
rest in the mind reflecting on the face of those accompanied
peaceful flying birds with high wings towards sky
cool wind blowing that cleaning the pathway without dust storm
sweet fragrance of the earth is wonderful among all omens on the earth,
Sun saluting the Lord with light but least heat

Demons host squeezed low where as monkey host is gathered at its top indicate the favorable time ahead for army of Lord Rama,

May Lord bless all,

thanks Please