Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Put away all anxiety

Jai Sri Ram,
Having spoken thus, the sage returned to the abode of Brahma, there finding her husband alone mother of parvati uma kalyani Sri Mena said to him, i did not follow the words of sage, if match is not there than why we proceed with, the girl better remain unmarried; for; my lord, Uma is dear to me as my own life-if we fail to secure a suitable match for Uma every one will say us dull,

Having spoken these words Mena laid herself prostrate with her head at the feet of her Lord, Himalaya replied in enduring terms sooner shall the moon emit flames of fire than the prophecy of Narada should prove untrue,

Put away all anxiety-my dear- and fix your thought on lord, he alone who has created Parvati will bring her happiness, Now if you cherish any love for your child, then go and admonish her that she should  practice austerity which may bring about her union with Shiva, there is no other way to overcome sorrow,

The words of Narada are full of reason, Shiva is house of virtues and truth of beauty, hearing the words of her consort mena felt delighted at heart,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please