Friday, February 5, 2016

intense longing for a sight of sri Rama

Jai Sri Ram,
The citizens were delighted to hear the procession coming, they all decorate their houses, market, palaces, squires and the gates of the city,

All the lanes were watered and perfumes, here and there festal squares were filled in elegant devices,

 The King's Palace Looked very charming, its decoration captivated the hearts of even cupids,

After worshipping Lord Ganesha and the slayer of demon Tripura, they bestowed gifts upon Brahmans, all the mothers were so overcome with joy and rapture that their feet refused to walk and all their limbs began to droop as it were full of intense longing for a sight of sri Rama they began to get everything ready for reception of their sons,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please