Monday, December 25, 2017

returned to his Hermitage

Jai sri Ram
Ravana was dismayed at heart as he listened to the above message, but wore a feigned smile on his face and spoke aloud for all to hear, the younger hermit's grandiloquence is just like an attempt of a man lying on the ground to clutch with hands the vault of heaven,

Suka said-my lord giving up haughtiness take every word of it as true, avoid clash with Rama, is lord of the entire universe, Restore Sita to sri Rama, Ravana kicked him , Suka bowed his head at Ravana's feet and proceeded to the place where the Rama was,

Making obeisance to Sri Rama-he told all about himself and by sri Rama's Grace recovered his original state, he was an enlighten sage, it was by the curse of Sage agustya that he had transformed into a demon,

Adoring sri Rama's feet again and again the sage returned to his Hermitage,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks Please