Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Jai sri Ram
Bharata heard pleasing words, rushed and came posthaste by the side of Monkey, seeing monkey swoon, he tried every mean to bring him back to conscious, monkey relieved of all exhausted and pain, as the words of Bharata entered his ear,

A thrill of joy ran through his body, heart overflowed with love, Hanuman told the episode in brief and take leave-extolled to him again and again, and proceeded to Sri Rama,

There sri Rama lamented in diverse way, invincible Rama exhibited the ways of human being only because, is compassionate to his devotees, Hanuman arrived-transported with joy Sri Rama embraced Hanuman, Sushain  immediate applied remedy and Laxmana cheerfully rose and sat up, Lord clasped his brother,

There Ravana relate all story to Kumbhakarna, Kumbhakaran felt sorry---having carried off Mother of the universe and expect good out of it, Having feasted and drunken Kumbakarna meet the fate of his Truth through the hands of sri Rama, Sri Rama killed Kumbhakarana in battle,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please