Monday, November 7, 2022

my folly

 Jai Sri Ram,

Shiva Replied, Although this is hardly justifiable, the words of the master cannot be set aside at the same time, my lord your command must be respectably carried out, this is my paramount duty, the words of one's parents, teacher, and master must be unquestionably obeyed as conducive to bliss, 

You are my supreme benefactor in every day, therefore, my lord, I bow to your commands, the lord was pleased to hear the well-chosen words of Sankara, which were inspired with devotion, wisdom, and piety,

The Lord Sad, your vow has been kept in mind what I have told you, saying so he went out of sight, Sankara cherished the impression of the vision in his heart, that very moment the seven sages called on Shiva,,

Going to Parvati, you put her love to the test, then directing her father, Himalaya to her, sent her back home, and dispel the doubts, there the seers saw as if she were penance itself personised, the sages said, hear, O daughter of Himacala, why are you practicing such rigorous penance, whom do you worship and wat to you seek, why not confide to us the real secret, I feel very shy in making my submission, you will be amused to hear of my folly, yet my mind has taken a rigid attitude and heeds no advice, it would raise a wall on water, relying on the truth of Naradas's prophecy, I long to fly even without wings, look at my madness, I always covet Shiva as my husband,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please